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New Upgrade To Cabot Public Schools App: eSchoolPLUS Family

September 9, 2016

Cabot Public Schools is excited to announce a new upgrade to our Cabot Public Schools app. This new feature will allow you to get real time updates regarding your student's grades and attendance.

On the Cabot Public Schools app, you'll now see a new icon. It's called eSchoolPLUS Family. This is a new app the state recently released. Instead of going to the Student Info Icon for grades, assignments, and attendance, we want you to click on the eschoolPlus Family icon. When you click on it, it will take you the app store for iPhone or Google play for android, download it, it's free. Once it's downloaded type in Cabot or Cabot School District and select Arkansas.

To login students and parents will need to use your HAC or Home Access Center login and password. For example, John Doe would be J.Doe and then the password. If you don't have one or can't remember it call your school and they can help you.

Once you're logged in, you'll see your child's name and if you have more than one child, you can view them all.  You'll see several different icons. This is where you can view attendance, classwork, grades, and you can even email a teacher by tapping the teacher's name. 

There is also a notification option. Click on preferences (the tool icon). This is where you can receive alerts. For example, classes, if an assignment average falls below or above a certain percent you can receive a push notification, email or both. It's the same for attendance. 

Now if you have an android phone, your screen will look a little different. Click the home icon by your student's name and you'll see a drop down menu with all your options. To get to preferences click on the three dots located at the top right of your screen to select your alerts.

Keep in mind though if you set up an alert, alerts go out between 5 and 6 p.m. However, if a teacher posts a grade that morning, and you're in the app, you can see it right away. If your child is absent or tardy, it's right there on your phone. We also recommend saving your username just so you don't have to constantly type it in. Your login will expire after a certain amount of time, so you will have to re-type in your password but that's for security reasons.

Now as for your student's all important cafeteria balance you'll still need to go to the Student Info Icon to view that information. Again, you'll use your HAC login and password. You can also view classes there as well and you can check to make sure your correct phone numbers, email and home address is on file.

Since we've made some changes to the app, you'll also see some changes when you go to the settings icon and configure alerts. You'll only see edit delivery preferences and cafeteria balance. Under edit delivery preferences, even though it still says attendance, remember you'll need to go to eSchoolPlus Family icon to set up that alert, as well as, your grades alert.

If you want to set up your cafeteria balance alert you still do that here, just decide on a threshold. For example if your account hits $5, you'll get a notification.

That's the latest and greatest information on our Cabot Public Schools app. Close to 9,000 students, parents, and community members have downloaded it. If you don't have the app, download it free. Just go to the app store on your iPhone or Google play if you have an android. There are so many great features, you can get the latest school news, follow your child's school calendar, view lunch menus, put money in your child's cafeteria account, check bus routes, a lot of great information right in the palm of your hands. 

If you have any questions go to our district web page scroll down to the right and click on the app logo.

Learn How eschoolPLUS Family Works

Vision & Mission

The Cabot School District is committed to educating all students to be responsible citizens who value learning, treat others with
dignity and respect, and adapt successfully to the demands of the rapidly changing society.

The Cabot School District is committed to
"Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities."