Update: Students To Begin More Than Sad Program
February 15, 2016

On Thursday, February 11th, Dr. Thurman released a letter on teen depression and suicide and how the district is working closely with experts to educate our students on mental health issues.
District administrators recently met with a team of therapists and a representative from the Arkansas Suicide Prevention Council to develop an action plan.
That plan is now being implemented into our schools. Staff is currently being trained and throughout February and March; students in grades 7-12 will participate in the “More Than Sad” program.
Wednesday, February 17 – CFA students
Monday, February 22 – CHS 10th grade
Tuesday, February 23 – CHS 11th grade
Wednesday, February 24 – CHS 12th grade
Friday, February 26 - ACE/ALE
Tuesday, March 1 – CJHN 7th grade
Wednesday, March 2 – CJHN 8th grade
Wednesday, March 10 – CJHS 7th grade
Thursday, March 11 – CJHS 8th grade
*Monday, February 22 -- Parent Night -- CFA Cafeteria 6:00 p.m.
The program will consist of an introduction and video that will be facilitated by counselors from local mental health agencies that work with students in our district. Afterwards, students will be dismissed to classrooms and have the opportunity to openly and freely discuss the video with a district counselor and the classroom teacher.
Along with the “More Than Sad” program, the Cabot School District has also launched a new web page at www.cabotschools.org about teen mental health issues and depression. There students and parents can find information including a parent's guide and hotline numbers to call in case you or someone you know needs help.
A link to the site can be found on the bottom right hand side of the homepage. It can also be found under resources for Parents and Students and by clicking on Administration and scrolling down to “Being a Teenager is Hard: Depression Awareness.”
*Programs are also being developed for students in grades K-6.