*School will be closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year to in-school instruction
Important Links:
Dr. Thurman's Update: April 22, 2020 - AMI, Yearbooks, Graduation
Dr. Thurman's Update: April 7, 2020
Upcoming Changes to Cabot Kids' Cafe & Food Delivery Option For Those Needing Assistance
Final Chromebook Distribution Opportunity
AMI Assignments
AMI Plan For Extended Closure
AMI Info Specific to the Class of 2020
Grade Posting Information for the Class of 2020
Dr. Thurman Overview On Next Steps - Prom, Graduation, Space Camp, Etc.
Free District WiFi
Medications Stored At School
Important Emails Addressed To Contact With Questions
Cabot School Counselors Available For Support
Kindergarten Registration, Kindergarten Round-Up, Pre-K Registration, & School Choice Information
Dr. Thurman's Update: April 22 - AMI, Yearbooks, Graduation
Click HERE to watch Dr. Thurman's video message.
Dear Panther Families,
It’s hard to believe we’ve been out of school for more than a month now. Please know that we miss our students, staff, and teachers very much.
But I have to say considering the circumstances, everyone is doing an amazing job. Parents, we are so proud to be working with you through this challenge.
Please remember, if you have any questions, just ask. Ask your teacher, ask your principal, or ask me. We are all happy to help.
To our staff….I’m hearing so many positive stories about you. Your compassion, love, understanding and commitment are helping our families through this difficult time. Thank you for your hard work.
To our parents….you are doing a good job! This is not easy and I appreciate how you are reaching out to our teachers and administrators for feedback, additional support, and encouragement.
Please stay in contact with your child’s teacher or building principal regarding AMI work. This is a totally new experience for all of us and we are going to make the very best of this challenging situation.
Pre-K through 6th grade will now continue with Arkansas PBS through the remainder of the school year, May 21st. The district will post new AMI work every Friday for the following week on our district social media pages, as well as our district website, Just look for the yellow announcement section. This section can also be found on your child’s school website. If you need the worksheets printed, packets can be found at any of the meal distribution sites (Magness, Ward Central, and CJHN). Elementary and middle schools also have packets ready for pick up at the front of their schools.
Grades 7-11th will continue to work on long-term portfolios through google classroom or the method your child’s teacher is currently using.
Seniors still working on coursework should remain in close contact with their teachers. My message to our seniors that are not on track to are too close to give up now. Stay in contact with your teachers and continue to work hard!
Yearbooks, Library Books, Pictures, Personal Belongings, Medication
We are still receiving many questions regarding yearbooks, library books, pictures, belongings and medications left at school.
Drive-thru medication pick-ups have been taking place for the last two weeks at several schools. If your school is having one, we are notifying parents through our automated messaging system. Many schools have also been posting information on their social media pages.
As for yearbooks, library books, pictures, and belongings left at schools… schools are working on distribution days. Once plans are finalized, we will begin releasing information. Please be patient. Some of these items are still arriving. You should be hearing more information about distribution days in the coming weeks if not sooner.
Once again, if you have a question, please message your child’s teacher or building principal. Contact information for all building administrators can be found on the main page of our website.
We are working very hard to process refunds for pre-paid activities. Parents will receive specific information from building principals or sponsors.
Let’s talk about something that I know is on the minds of at least 756 Cabot High School seniors and their parents and that would be graduation for the Class of 2020. What we do know is that May 15th at Simmons Bank Arena is unfortunately not going to happen. We have been in regular contact with officials at Simmons Bank Arena and the facility is currently closed and they do not anticipate being able to open by that date.
Now, we know that a few school districts are beginning to announce alternative plans like virtual graduations. As a side note to the trend for virtual graduations, school districts have been reminded via guidelines from state officials that all social distancing requirements and group size limitations must be adhered to at all times during these virtual graduations. So, there are no perfect answers at this time.
With that being said, it is too early to make a final decision today. We want…and I know you want…for us to try our very best to have some type of traditional ceremony for the Class of 2020 and that’s exactly what we want to do.
Let me reiterate that again the news on graduation as of today is that we are going to stay the course just the same as many of the other large high schools in Arkansas and are still planning for some type of traditional ceremony as soon as possible.
If, after all options are exhausted and we are not allowed to make a traditional ceremony happen, we have a plan for some type of alternative such as a virtual graduation, but this will be our last option.
I’d also like to add that though we will not be able to gather on May 15th as planned, we plan to partner with the City of Cabot and Cabot Chamber of Commerce to make this a special day for our seniors. More details on how we will be celebrating the Class of 2020 on May 15th will be shared very soon!
Finally, all we can ask is for you to please be patient. We do not want to rush into a final decision in April. This is a huge milestone for our students and a lot can happen in a couple of weeks. We want to not only make the best decision… but the right decision for our students.
Last, but certainly not least….
It is imperative for parents to stay connected with us since updated information is posted on a regular basis. Please always remember to check our website,, and our district social media pages, Facebook and twitter for official school information.
Plus, don’t forget to follow your own school’s social media pages. Many of our schools have Facebook, twitter, or both.
To our students…stay focused on completing your assignments...we will be back together very soon….and we miss you very much!
Go Panthers!
Dr. Thurman's Update: April 7, 2020
Click HERE To Watch Dr. Thurman's Video Message
Dear Panther Families,
These past few weeks have definitely been challenging and quite frankly, emotionally draining for everyone.
Though we knew it was coming, hearing the official announcement from Governor Hutchinson that schools will be closed to on-site instruction for the remainder of the year left quite a sting and a lot of heartache for so many of us…our staff, students, families, and myself included. There is a lot more to school than academics…every day at school is an experience. It hurts to know our kids will not have closure to the school year that is always a very special time for everyone.
But with great sadness also comes great pride. On very short notice, our educators are completely redesigning what schools look like, turning their living rooms into make-shift classrooms. We’re placing technology into the hands of our students, distributing hundreds of Chromebooks, and kids are being provided with meals, all in the midst of a global pandemic. To say I’m proud of our staff and the support of our parents and community would be an understatement.
Still, this is hard. We are learning and adjusting every day, just like our families. There are many questions and details that we will be working through in the coming days and weeks….
Prom has been postponed. Not knowing when we will be allowed to gather in large groups once again makes it impossible to plan ahead.
What about graduation for the Class of 2020?
Just like prom, it’s impossible to make a definitive decision until we have a better idea on when we will be able to gather in large groups. I appreciate the many suggestions being shared, but until we have the approved timeline to gather in large groups, we will not be able to finalize a plan.
I’ve received many messages from parents asking that we not take graduation away from the Class of 2020. Let me be clear….we will have some type of celebration for the Class of 2020. I’ve attended the last 17 graduations for Cabot High School, and I fully intend to make number 18. We are not sure what that will look like right now, but we are going to celebrate….someway, somehow, sometime and somewhere! Keep in mind, I’m not only the school superintendent, I’m the proud dad of a graduating senior in the Class of 2020!
Now, upcoming changes to the Cabot Kid’s Café…
I want to share some changes to our Cabot Kid’s Café and a new food delivery option for those needing assistance. Beginning Monday, April 13th, we will be consolidating our Cabot Kids’ Café locations. Our drive through meal program and AMI packet pick up will continue from 11-12 at Magness Creek Elementary, Ward Central Elementary, and Cabot Junior High North.
I want to make it clear that the viability of the program has nothing to do with participation. In fact, serving families that really do not want or need the service is actually making staffing more challenging and increasing the amount of interaction at each location.
The decision to consolidate locations was completely based on the health and safety of our staff members. The more locations we have open, the more employees we have working. We are blessed to have staff willing to work, who want to continue to serve our families. However, we have to do what is best for them and that includes limiting their contact with each other and the public.
We do have a NEW service to tell you about that also begins Monday, April 13th. If a family requires assistance providing meals for their student and needs food delivered due to extenuating circumstances – for example – they are homebound or do not have transportation – Cabot Public Schools is working together with several community partners to begin delivering weekly food boxes to students in need.
If your family requires assistance, you MUST complete a form. That form, including deadlines to apply, is posted on our website, If you would like for our staff to assist you with completing the delivery form, call us at 501-843-3363 or leave a message and we guarantee that you’ll receive a return call.
Many of you have also been inquiring about spring pictures, yearbooks, field trip refunds, or belongings left at school. We are working on a plan and just ask that you be patient and give us time to work through many details. Please make sure you are following our district website and social media pages for official information.
As for AMI work, Pre-K-6 will continue with PBS through May 1st with teachers supporting instruction. Seventh through 11th graders will continue working on their long-term portfolios through Google classroom or the method your student’s teacher is currently using. Seniors still working on coursework should continue to be in direct contact with their teachers.
Remember, we are here to support, not to overwhelm. As I have reminded our staff, they didn’t sign up to be distance educators and you didn’t sign up to be a homeschool parent …so we need to be understanding, patient and supportive of each other.
We have many families facing hardships and it’s been tough adjusting to this new normal. If you are not feeling overwhelmed by the situation, great. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you are NOT alone and that’s totally understandable!
Here is the deal, we are here to help and even if it is just to talk to someone about the challenges of this new norm. Please reach out to your teacher, building administrator, or even one of our counselors. If you have a question or concern and not quite sure where to start, you’re welcome to start with me and I’ll point you in the right direction.
Okay…this has been a lot of information! The script can be found on our website and going forward, we promise to keep you updated.
I typically like to close videos with a quote, but I’m going a different direction today. In fact, I’m going to close with four points! On behalf of every administrator and teacher in the Cabot School District to our students…..we miss you very much….hang in there….this too shall pass….and we’ll see you soon!
Go Panthers!
Upcoming Changes To Cabot Kids' Café – Food Delivery Option For Those Needing Assistance
Posted: April 7, 2020
For the health and safety of our staff members, next week the district will begin consolidating our Cabot Kids' Cafe locations.
Our drive-through meal program and AMI packet pick up for students in the Cabot School District will continue from 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. at Magness Creek Elementary, Ward Central Elementary, and Cabot Junior High North.
However, beginning Monday April 13, meals will no longer be distributed at Central Elementary or Cabot Middle School South.
Please understand this decision was not made due to a lack of funding or participation. Cabot Kids’ Cafe is not based on the number of people utilizing the meal program. That is a misconception. In fact, serving families that really do not want or need the service is actually making staffing more challenging and increasing the amount of interaction at each location.
Cabot Public Schools will always provide for our kids. This change is solely based on protecting our employees. The more locations we have open, the more employees we have working. We are blessed to have employees who want to work and serve our families. However, we have to do what is best for them and that includes limiting contact with the public.
Student Food Delivery Request
If a family requires assistance providing meals for their student(s) and in need of delivery due to extenuating circumstances, Cabot Public Schools is working together with several of our community partners to begin delivering weekly food boxes to those students starting Monday, April 13.
To qualify, the student(s) must be enrolled in the district and the family is either homebound or does not have transportation.
Please complete this form if your family requires assistance. If you are unable to fill out the form online, call Central Administrative Offices at 501-843-3363 and we will be happy to complete the form for you by phone.
This request form MUST be completed to be added to the delivery schedule for the remainder of the current school year. You only need to fill out the form one time.
It is also necessary to complete and submit the form no later than Wednesday to receive delivery for the following Monday.
For example, the form must be completed by this Wednesday, April 8, to receive delivery for Monday, April 13. Forms completed after this date will be scheduled for delivery the following week. Once you have submitted a request for delivery, please notify the district as soon as possible if the decision is made to cancel this service.
Our Food Service Department will use the forms to prepare meals for the ENTIRE week (5 breakfasts, 5 lunches per student).
If you have any questions, please contact Assistant Superintendent Michael Byrd at 501-843-3363 ext. 1018.
COVID-19 UPDATE -- Schools Closed For Remainder of 2019-2020 School Year
April 6, 2020
Under the direction of Governor Asa Hutchinson, all schools in the state, including Cabot Public Schools, will be closed for the reminder of the 2019-2020 school year to in-school instruction.
Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) will continue for the rest of the school year with more details to be shared by the district soon.
Dr. Thurman will also release a video Tuesday afternoon in regards to specifics for Cabot Public Schools.
AMI Info Specific to the Class of 2020
Posted on 3/30/2020
According to the Arkansas Department of Education, high school seniors who are on track to graduate and in good standing as of the third nine weeks reporting period will be considered as "meeting the graduation requirements” for the state of Arkansas.
It is the intent of the school district to provide additional coursework for those students not on track per Cabot School District requirements to graduate and for those that are concerned with their 3rd nine-weeks grade.
The staff at CHS, ACE, and ACE-North will be communicating with seniors in the coming days who are not on track to graduate to formulate a plan for the remainder of the year. Seniors that know they are not in good standing for graduation eligibility should be very proactive in making contact with their counselor, teacher and building administrators immediately and not wait to be notified.
Students that are on track to graduate at the end of the 3rd nine-weeks period have completed requirements. Teachers are available by email each day and it is highly recommended that you verify your good standing with them by the end of the week.
Any senior who is in good standing, but is concerned about their grades for the 3rd nine weeks, should make contact no later than April 3rd with their teacher(s) and either Mr. Hawkins at CHS, Mrs. Evans at ACE, or Mrs. Chastain at ACE-North, to develop an ongoing plan. Any student in this situation that does not make contact by the end of the week with school staff may not be eligible for additional coursework and/or grade improvement.
We encourage parents with questions or concerns to contact a school administrator or counselor.
Students enrolled in concurrent college coursework will follow university guidelines for course completion.
AMI Plan For Extended Closure
Posted on 3/30/2020
Click HERE to watch the video message from Mr. Randolph
Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Aaron Randolph and I serve as the Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the Cabot School District.
We wanted to send out a message to all our families in regards to how teaching and learning might look over the next few weeks. Our district wishes to provide meaningful and solid instruction in a format that is both educational for our students and helpful for our community members during this time. We know this is a stressful time in everyone’s lives. With that in mind, we don’t want school to be any more of a stressor, than it has to be, to any of you and we will do our best to provide information and materials in as simple a method as possible.
As most of you are aware, the state of Arkansas has ordered all schools to cease in-school instruction until April 20th at the earliest. Due to this, we will be using Alternative Methods of Instruction, or AMI, until we are able to resume in-class instruction. We have a short-term plan for this week, and beginning on April 6th we will be moving into a long-term continuous plan for instruction in our district.
So let’s look at the Short Term Plan For This Week, March 30th-April 3rd for each grade-level span.
Pre-K staff will be in contact with our families and students this week using a variety of communication means. Our Pre-K families should look forward to hearing from them soon and be prepared to visit on their child’s progress.
For students in grades K-4, materials will be available digitally on our website for families beginning Tuesday, March 31st. These K-4 assignments do not require printing. If students can view from a device, they can simply write their answers down on a sheet of paper at home. If you do not have digital access, hard copies will be available in the lunch pick-up lines from 11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. daily at Central, Magness Creek, Ward Central, Cabot Middle School South and Cabot Junior High North. .
For students in grades 5-11, individual classroom teachers will be reaching out to students and families to share AMI assignments/instructions. If for some reason you have not heard from your student’s classroom teachers by tomorrow afternoon, please make sure you reach out to them via phone or email. Students and parents may be asked to connect digitally with their teachers, and if you are able to do so, we encourage you to take part in those visits. However, we also know that life does not always operate as scheduled and we do not want to place additional stress or demands upon our families. Our teachers will work closely with you to ensure that learning continues in a way that makes sense for your family. Just know that our staff is here to help your child and is available to visit with you.
We’ve also asked our K-12 staff to work together to limit concurrent Zoom lessons or meetings with our students. I know it’s hard to manage multiple children in a house with one or two devices, so we’ll do our best to mitigate conflicting meetings.
Now we can discuss the Long Term Plan, which will begin on April 6th.
Beginning on April 6, all Pre-K-6 core instruction will be provided through the Arkansas PBS AMI. Most of you will find the Arkansas PBS Channel, or what used to be AETN, on channel 2 of your TV. A parent guide will be available online each week that will guide the activities that students participate in after watching the shows. This will air daily from 8:00-9:30am (Grades P-2), 9:30-11:00am (Grades 3-5), and 11:00am-1:00pm (6th Grade). If your student is unable to watch the shows that morning, all videos will be archived online by 4pm the afternoon of their airing and we will post a link to those archived videos on our website.
Beginning the afternoon of Friday, April 3rd, the Pre-K-6 PBS parent guide for the upcoming week will be found on our website. Additionally, we will have materials available for pickup, by Friday of the preceding week, at our meal locations. If you are unable to come to those locations or do not have digital access, please let your teacher or building principal know and we’ll work to get the needed materials to you.
We encourage all families to check their Remind, Class Dojo, email, or any other resource they use to connect with teachers as established, for ongoing communication. Please share all concerns or questions with your student’s teachers. During the week, questions should be answered within 24 hours.
Grades 7-11
Beginning Monday, April the 6th, all 7th-11th grade classes will provide long-term portfolios for students to complete. These will be provided digitally via Google Classroom or whatever method your students’ teacher, currently uses. Each campus will work with their subject areas and teachers to make sure that all students have received their needed information and directions. We realize that not all families have adequate digital devices and internet access, and if accessing materials is an issue for you, please let your teacher know. We can come up with a plan to ensure you get the needed materials.
With regards to turning in needed assignments or tasks, we will be flexible with our students. Teachers will communicate with families about the best method for demonstrating completion of activities. It may be via email or text message or even showing things over FaceTime. We will leave that up to individual teachers and families to determine the best way to receive items. We will also have drop-off boxes available for completed assignments in front of the junior high and Freshman Academy campuses and the main building of Cabot High School during regular business hours that can be used to turn in physical copies.
Our teachers will be working to ensure that continuous learning meets the needs and requirements for each of our students. We will evaluate our process weekly to refine, adjust, and adapt as needs arise. We also want to make sure our families know that during this time, our school district will be able to facilitate and translate for our families in their first or preferred home language. Please contact Karyna Carbone, our district ELL Coordinator, to arrange for this service.
For our families of students with exceptionalities, our Special Programs Office is working with our district curriculum office, classroom teachers, and building-level interventionists to ensure that instruction is being provided to best assist your students in meeting their goals.
Above all else, we want to take care of the students and families of this district. This is a trying time for all and we certainly don’t want the educational growth of your students to add to a family’s stress. Please let your child’s teacher, counselor, or principal know if you need any assistance with these processes.
Together, we are and will continue to be Panther Strong.
Thank you!
Plan AMI para cierre extendido
Buenas tardes a todos. Mi nombre es Aaron Randolph y sirvo como el Director ejecutivo de currículo e instrucción para el Distrito escolar de Cabot.
Queremos enviarles un mensaje a todas las familias en cuanto a cómo se puede ver la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en las siguientes semanas. Nuestro distrito desea proveer instrucción sólida y significativa en un formato que sea educacional para
los estudiantes y que les sirva a nuestros miembros de la comunidad. Sabemos que este tiempo puede ser muy estresado para todos. Con eso en mente, no queremos que la escuela se convierta en otra factor de estrés a ninguno de ustedes y haremos lo mejor posible para proveer información y materiales de la forma más simple posible.
Como muchos están al tanto, el estado de Arkansas ha ordenado a las escuelas de parar instrucción en las escuelas hasta al menos el 20 de abril. Debido a esto, usaremos métodos alternativos de instrucción (AMI) hasta que podamos resumir clases en el salon. Tenemos un plan a término corta para esta semana pero comenzando el 6 de abril vamos a cambiar a un plan más continuo de instrucción para el distrito.
Vamos a mirar el plan a término corto para está semana del 30 de marzo al 3 de abril para cada agrupación de grados.
Pre-K Los maestros de Pre-K contactaran a las familias durante está semana durante varios medios de comunicación. Las familias de pre-k deben de escuchar de alguien pronto y prepararse para hablar sobre el progreso de su hijo.
K-4 Los estudiantes del K - 4 grado tendrán materiales disponibles a través de nuestra página web comenzando el martes, 31 de abril. No hay necesidad de imprimir estos trabajos. Si los estudiantes pueden verlo de cualquier aparato electrónico, pueden escribir sus respuestas en un papel en la casa. Si no tiene acceso al internet, habrán copias que pueden buscar en las filas de almuerzos de 11 am-12:00pm a diario en las escuelas: Central, Magness Creek, Ward Central, Cabot Middle School South y Cabot Junior High North. .
5-11 Para los estudiantes del 5-11, sus maestras de sus clases les contactara para compartir las tareas de AMI y/o instrucción. Si por alguna razón no ha escuchado de su maestra mañana en la tarde, favor de contactarla por teléfono o correo electrónico. Pueda que se les pida a los estudiantes y padres de conectarse virtualmente con su maestra, y si lo puede hacer, le sugerimos que aproveche esas visitas virtuales. Sin embargo, sabemos que la vida no siempre opera en un horario y no queremos imponer estrés adicional a las familias. Nuestras maestras trabajan con usted para asegurarse que el aprendizaje continúe de manera que haga sentido para su familia. Siempre tenga en cuenta que nuestra facultad está disponible para ayudar a usted y su hijo.
También le hemos pedido a nuestra facultad de K - 12 de trabajar juntos para limitar las sesiones Zoom o reuniones con sus hijos. Se que es difícil manejar múltiples niños en la casa con un solo ordenador o aparato electronico, asi que haremos lo posible para no tener conflictos en reuniones virtuales.
Ahora podemos hablar sobre el plan a tiempo largo que comienza el 6 de abril.
Pre-K-6 Comenzando el 6 de abril, toda la instrucción de Pre K al 6to grado será proveída a través del canal de televisión de Arkansas PBS AMI. La mayoría puede encontrar este canal de Arkansas PBS, o lo que se llamaba AETN, en el canal 2 de su televisor. on channel 2 of your TV. Cada semana habrá un guía en la página web de Arkansas PBS para los padres sobre las actividades que los estudiantes pueden hacer después de ver la clase. Las “clases” serán a diario entre 8:00 am a 9:30 am (Grados Pre -K a 2), 9:30-11:00 am (Grados 3-5), y 11:00am-1:00pm (6to Grado). Si su hijo no puede ver todos las clases esa mañana, los video estan archivados por internet cada dia despues de las 4pm de la tarde y encontrará en nuestra página web del distrito un enlace a cada clase.
Comenzando la tarde del viernes, 3 de abril, el guia de PBS de los padres para la siguiente semana se encontrará en la página web. En adición, haremos disponibles los materiales para buscarlos el viernes de la semana porvenir en nuestros locales de almuerzo. Si usted no puede llegar a esos locales o no tiene acceso digital, favor de dejarle saber a la maestra o la directora de su escuela y le haremos llegar los materiales que necesitan.
Le sugerimos a las familias de mirar frecuentemente Remind, Class Dojo, el correo electrónico y cualquier otro recurso que use para comunicarse con las maestras para establecer comunicación continua. Favor de expresar sus preocupaciones o preguntas a los maestros de su hijo. Durante los dias escolares, le deben de responder las preguntas en 24 horas.
Grades 7-11 Comenzando el 6 de abril, todos los estudiantes del 7mo a 11mo grado recibirán instrucciones para un portfolio que van a completar. Esto será digitalmente a través de Google Classroom o el método que utilice la maestra de su hijo. Cada escuela trabaja en grupo con las maestras de la misma área académica para asegurarse que todos los estudiantes reciban la información y direcciones que necesitan. Estamos conscientes que no todas las familia tienen aparatos digitales y acceso al internet, y si este es el caso, favor de dejárselo saber a la maestra. Podemos asegurarnos que reciban lo que necesiten para completar el portfolio.
En cuanto a entregar los trabajos, somos flexibles con los estudiantes. Las maestras comunicaran con las familias la mejor forma de demostrar que han completado las actividades. Puede que sea por correo electrónico o un mensaje de texto o mostrando el trabajo por FaceTime. Eso estará en las manos de las maestras y familias decidir como será mejor para ellos recibir los materiales.También tendremos cajas de “drop-off” donde puedan entregar los trabajos completados en frente de las dos junior highs y la Freshman Academy y en el edificio principal de la secundaria de Cabot High School durante horas de trabajo donde pueden entregar copias físicas.
Nuestras maestras continúan trabajando para asegurarse que se continúe el aprendizaje basado en las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes.Vamos a evaluar el proceso semanalmente para refinar, ajustar y adaptar según sea necesario. También queremos asegurarnos que nuestras familias sepan que durante este tiempo podremos traducirlo para nuestras familias en su idioma. Favor de contactar a Karyna Carbone, la coordinadora de ELL de nuestro distrito para hacer arreglos para este servicio.
Para nuestras familias de estudiantes con excepcionalidades, nuestra oficina de Programas Especiales está trabajando con la oficina de currículo, los maestros y intervencionistas en cada escuela para asegurarnos que la instrucción sea lo mejor posible para asistir a su hijo lograr sus metas.
Sobre todo, queremos cuidar de nuestras familias y estudiantes del distrito. Esto es un tiempo difícil para todos y no queremos que el crecimiento académico de su hijo sea un estrés adicional. Favor de contactar la maestra de su hijo, consejera de la escuela o directora si necesita alguna ayuda con este proceso.
Juntos, somos y seguiremos siendo fuertes como la pantera.
Dr. Thurman's Overview on Next Steps
Posted on 03/30/2020
Click HERE to watch the video message from Dr. Thurman
Dear Panther Families,
We hope you were able to enjoy spring break with your family despite this unprecedented and challenging time.
School leaders have been working hard to make the best decisions for our families. We understand many of you are struggling to adjust. We all are. We know you have many questions regarding this every-changing situation, especially with the continuance of AMI assignments.
First and foremost, we are here to support and not to overwhelm. The district has developed a plan for continuing your child’s education during this school closure. We have been asked to reinvent teaching and learning in a few short weeks, so the word of the day and for the duration of this closure is PATIENCE. Though not perfect, it is our intent to work in partnership with our parents to be successful.
Our goal is to keep it simple and for students to be engaged and learning. The last thing we want to do is cause stress for our families.
I first want to share AMI information from a 'big picture' perspective. Now, do not get anxious because you'll soon be receiving more specific information from your principals and teachers.
Here is our plan for the week of March 30th.
New AMI assignments for this week are now being made available. Information is posted on our website,, and teachers are ready to help students if they have any questions. We will also be posting a video on our website by Aaron Randolph, our chief academic officer, with additional information.
We also understand many of our students do not have access to internet-ready devices, like a laptop, tablet, iPad, or iPhone. Don’t worry. Our technology department is working on plans to get a device to every student that needs one. In fact, a drive-through Chromebook Distribution Center is being set up for later this week at Cabot Junior High North.
The district will also open WiFi hot spots in the parking lots of several of our campuses. That way students who do not have internet access at home, can get connected to complete assignments. More specific information on device check-out and WiFi access will be forthcoming.
We also understand, when school is out, it can create hardships. Many students rely on our food service. That’s why we are dedicated to providing meals to our students during this closure. The Cabot Kids’ Café will be available Monday through Friday, from 11 to 12 at five different school locations. A to-go lunch as well as breakfast for the next day will be provided and details can be found on our district website. The USDA recently changed guidelines allowing for meals to be provided even if the student is not present. Please check our website for more information.
Prom was originally scheduled for April 25th and is now postponed. We hope to provide an opportunity for some type of event, but those decisions will be based on social distancing and group size guidance as we move toward the end of the year.
Space Camp has ceased operations through at least May 22nd. We are currently working with the organization on how to best provide refunds. Please understand that this will take time to process. You will be receiving more information as it becomes available.
According to the Arkansas Department of Education, high school seniors who are on track to graduate and in good standing as of the third nine weeks reporting period will be considered as "meeting the graduation requirements” for the state of Arkansas. The staff at Cabot High School, the Academic Center of Excellence and the Academic Center of Excellence-North will be communicating with seniors in the coming days who are not on track to graduate to formulate a plan for the remainder of the year. Any senior who is in good standing, but is concerned about their grades for the 3rd nine weeks should make immediate contact with either Mr. Hawkins at CHS, Mrs. Evans at ACE, or Mrs. Chastain at ACE-North.
Finally, a lot of questions about graduation scheduled for May 15th. It is our hope at this time that we can make the traditional ceremony a reality, though final decisions will be made as the date approaches. We are not going to officially cancel the traditional ceremony until we absolutely know that it is not going to be an option. Now, it’s important to understand that if we are unable to host our traditional graduation, we do plan to host some type of celebration for the Class of 2020 when possible.
In closing, I want to share a few thoughts from a recent article titled “My children are now watching me. All day. Every day.”
My takeaways from the article are the reminder that “young minds are like sponges, absorbing how we handle uncertainty, crisis and a loss of control. In front of their very eyes, our kids are watching us reinvent ourselves. But this is where we need to remember that while we are watching this deluge, our young people - whether in kindergarten or college - are calculating our reactions and responses. In this moment, adults hold the key. Calm may not take away the sting of situations, but it can dial down the response. If there was ever a reason to find the best version of ourselves in these trying moments, look into your child's eyes.”
Now, you are probably asking yourself why I shared those thoughts when this is about AMI work and end-of-year events.
Here is why…
I fully realize that no matter the AMI plan developed or the decisions made, there will always be that person who believes that it’s been done wrong. Keep in mind that our kids are watching closely for how we react. This whole new way of learning will be a challenge for everyone. If we as adults are calm and optimistic, we have a much better opportunity to get all that we can out of your kids and our students.
Rather than spend time focusing on what is wrong, we encourage you to focus on what is right. The bottom line is that we are providing the foundation, and if you want to take it higher based on the specific needs of your child, we encourage you to supplement the learning as you see fit. If you would like to discuss other academic options with your child’s teacher, that’s fine, too. Our staff will work with you to make this the best it can be for your child.
In closing, it’s to be expected that you are probably going to have questions or concerns, so you have two options. You can choose to post that question or concern on social media and receive a myriad of responses that may or may not even be remotely accurate, or you can choose and I highly recommend simply messaging your child’s teachers, the building principal, or myself and be provided with the exact information or feedback you need to make this work.
Thank you for being patient.
Dr. Thurman
Descripción general del Dr. Thurman sobre los próximos pasos
Queridas familias panteras,
Esperamos que ustedes pudieron pasar un buen descanso de primavera con su familia a pesar de estos duros momentos sin precedentes.
Los líderes de las escuelas han estado trabajando muy fuerte para tomar las mejores decisiones para nuestras familias. Nosotros entendemos que muchos están luchando para ajustarse. Todos nos estamos ajustando. Sabemos que tienen muchas preguntas sobre está situación que continúa cambiando, especialmente en cuanto a los trabajos de AMI.
Lo primero y lo principal es que estamos aquí para apoyarlos y no para abrumarlos. El distrito ha desarrollado un plan para continuar la educación de su hijo durante este cierre de las escuelas. Hemos trabajado para reinventar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en unas pocas semanas, así que la palabra del día para la duración del cierre es PACIENCIA. Mientras no es perfecto, es nuestra intención de colaborar con nuestros padres para ser exitosos.
Nuestra meta es de mantener las cosas simples y que los estudiantes esten comprometidos a aprender. Lo último que queremos es de causar estrés para las familias.
Primero queiro compartir información de AMI desde el punto de vista de ver todo del cuadro grande. Ahora, no se pongan ansiosos porque pronto van a recibir más información de sus principales y maestros.
Aquí está nuestro plan para la semana del 30 de marzo:
Las tareas de AMI para esta semana se harán disponible está tarde. Hay información en nuestra página de la red en, y las maestras están listas para ayudar a los estudiantes si tienen alguna pregunta. También vamos a poner un video en nuestra página de la red por Aaron Randolph, nuestro oficial de los asuntos académicos con más información.
También entendemos que muchos estudiantes no tienen acceso a aparatos con capacidad de internet como un ordenador, un ordenador portátil, una tableta, un iPad, o un iPhone. No se preocupen. Nuestro departamento de tecnología está trabajando en planes para darle un aparato a todos los estudiantes que puedan necesitar uno. Es más, estamos preparando un Centro de distribucion de Chromebook al estilo servicio al carro más tarde esta semana en la escuela Junior High North.
El distrito también abrirá puntos calientes WiFi en los estacionamientos de algunas escuelas. Así los estudiantes que no tienen acceso al internet en la casa, pueden conectarse al internet y completar el trabajo. Se les dara mas informacion sobre como obtener un Chromebook y el servicio de internet más adelante.
También entendemos, que cuando no hay clases, eso puede crear otras dificultades. Muchos estudiantes dependen de la comida servida en las escuelas. Por lo tanto, estamos dedicados a proveer comidas para los estudiantes durante el cierre. El Cabot Kids’ Café estará abierto de lunes a viernes de 11 to 12 en cinco escuelas diferentes. Se proveerá un almuerzo para llevar igual que un desayuno para el proximo dia. El USDA (los que regulan la comida en el país) recientemente cambiaron sus pólizas y no se puede dar almuerzos para niños que no están presentes. Favor de mirar la página del distrito en la red para más información.
La fiesta de Prom estaba originalmente puesta para el 25 de abril y ahora se ha pospuesto por el momento. Esperamos poder proveer la oportunidad de algún tipo de evento pero esas decisiones serán basadas sobre las indicaciones del distanciamiento social y los tamaños de grupos según nos acerquemos al final del año escolar.
El campamento del espacio ha cerrado sus puertas hasta al menos el 22 de mayo. Estamos corrientemente trabajando con la organización para ver cómo se pueden procesar los reembolsos. Favor de entender que esto tomará tiempo en procesar. Recibirá más información según esté disponible.
De acuerdo al Departamento de educación de Arkansas, los estudiantes de 12mo grado (seniors) que han cumplido con todos los requisitos para graduarse y estan en buen estado durante las 3era nueve semanas se les considerará como “haber cumplido con los requisitos de graduación” para el estado de Arkansas. La facultad de la secundaria, Cabot High School, el Centro académico de excelencia y el centro académico de excelencia - norte se comunicaran con los estudiantes que no han cumplido con los requisitos para formular un plan para el resto del año escolar. Cualaquier graduando que cumplio con sus requisitos pero está preocupado por sus calificaciones de la 3era nueve semanas necesita contactar inmediatamente a uno de los siguientes según le corresponda: Mr. Hawkins en CHS, Mrs. Evans en ACE, o Mrs. Chastain en ACE-North.
Finalmente, hay muchas preguntas sobre la graduación el 15 de mayo. Es nuestra esperanza de poder hacer realidad una ceremonia tradicional, pero la decision final sera despues segun se acerque la fecha. No vamos a cancelar la ceremonia tradicional hasta que sepamos con seguridad que no es una opción. Ahora, es importante que entienda que si no podemos cumplir con la ceremonia tradicional, si planificamos de auspiciar algún tipo de evento para la clase del 2020 cuando sea posible.
En conclusión, quiero compartir con ustedes unos pensamientos de un artículo que leí recientemente titulado “Mis hijos ahora me están mirando. Todo el dia. Todos los dias.” children are now watching me. All day. Every day.”
Lo que me impresionó del artículo es un recuerdo que “las mentes jóvenes son como esponjas, absorben como bregamos con incertidumbre, crisis y falta de control. Al frente de sus mismos ojos, nuestros niños nos ven reinventandonos. Pero aquí es donde debemos recordar que mientras ellos ven este diluvio, nuesto jóvenes -ya sean de kindergarten o estén la universidad - están calculando nuestras reacciones y respuestas. En este momento, los adultos tienen la respuesta. La calma puede que no quite el quemazón de la situación, pero puede ayudar a respondemos. Si hubiera alguna razón para encontrar la mejor versión de uno mismo, mire a los ojos de sus hijos.”
Se preguntará porque comparto estos pensamientos si este mensaje es sobre el trabajo de AMI y los eventos de final de año.
Aqui está porque …
Estoy completamente consciente que no importa el plan que se desarrolle para las tareas de AMI o las decisiones que se tomen, siempre habrán aquellos que pensaran que se hicieron las cosas incorrectamente. Favor de mantener en la mente que los niños siempre se fijan en cómo nosotros reaccionamos. Está forma nueva de aprender sera un nuevo desafío para todos. Si como adultos respondemos calmados y optimistas, tendremos una gran oportunidad de que su hijo se interese en aprender.
En vez de pasar el tiempo en que está mal, les animamos a enfocarse en lo que está bien. El punto es que nosotros estamos proveyendo la fundación, y si usted quiere añadir basado en las necesidades de su hijo, puede hacerlo. Si quiere hablar sobre otras opciones académicas con la maestra de su hijo, está bien también. Nuestra facultad trabajará con usted para hacer de esto lo mejor para su hijo.
En cierre, esperamos que tenga preguntas o preocupaciones, así que tiene dos opciones. Puedes poner su pregunta en medios sociales y recibir una cantidad variada de respuestas que puedan que no estén correctas o puede comunicarse con la maestras de sus hijos, la directora de la escuela o conmigo para proveer la información exacta que necesita.
Gracias por ser pacientes. Sabemos que esto es mucha información para procesar y puede ver este mensaje por escrito en nuestra página web.
AMI Update for Week of March 30th - Information from Dr. Thurman
Posted on 3/29/2020
Dear Panther Families,
This is a reminder that the school district will provide updated guidance on AMI assignments on the afternoon of Monday, March 30th.
We are currently closed through Friday, April 17th. In the event the closure is extended, we want to make sure that our plan will be effective for either the short-term or long-term. We ask for your patience at this time and not to stress about being behind on assignments.
Our intent with the AMI assignments is to provide a solid academic foundation with our staff providing support as needed. We do not want to overwhelm anyone with overbearing assignments and constant notifications. We want to make sure our plan solid and our staff understands the expectations going forward.
At this point, enjoy this beautiful Sunday. Again, you will be receiving additional information from the school district Monday afternoon.
Enjoy your afternoon!
Dr. Thurman
Free Student Meals Served During Closure – March 30 – April 17
Posted on 3/28/2020
Our Food Service Department is providing hot meals to all district students during the school closure.
We understand that school meals are crucial to the health and well-being of our students. That is why our district is dedicated to providing hot meals to all our students during this closure.
Cabot Public Schools is offering a free drive-through meal program from March 30 – April 17. The Cabot Kids’ Café will be available Monday through Friday, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at five different school locations.
Central Elementary
Magness Creek Elementary
Ward Central Elementary
Cabot Middle School South
Cabot Junior High North
A to-go lunch as well as breakfast for the next day will be provided. Students can pick up a meal at any of these drive-through locations. They do not have to attend school at that location.
Cabot Kids’ Café is for students enrolled at Cabot Public Schools. Per USDA requirements, students must be present in order to receive the meal. Unfortunately, we are only allowed to serve student meals at this time.
For health and safety reasons, we are asking patrons to remain in their cars as our staff members distribute the meals. Signs will be posted leading you to form a line in the bus lanes near the cafeteria entrance.
Comida gratis para estudiantes servida durante el cierre - 30 de marzo - 17 de abril
Entendemos que las comidas escolares son cruciales para la salud y el bienestar de los estudiantes. Por eso es que nuestro distrito está dedicado a proveer comidas calientes a los estudiantes durante el cierre.
Las escuelas públicas de Cabot está ofreciendo comidas gratuitas al pasar en su carro del 30 de marzo al 17 de abril. El Café de los niños de Cabot estará abierto de lunes a viernes, de 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. en cinco localse diferentes: at five different school locations.
Central Elementary
Magness Creek Elementary
Ward Central Elementary
Cabot Middle School South
Cabot Junior High North
Se proveerá un almuerzo para llevar al igual que desayuno para el dia siguiente. Los estudiantes pueden buscar una comida en cualquier de los cinco locales, no tienen que ir a esa escuela.
El Café de niños de Cabot es para los estudiantes matriculados en las escuelas de Cbot. De acuerdo a los requisitos de USDA, los estudiantes tiene que presentarse para poder recibir la comida. Desafortunadamente, solo podemos servir las comidas durante esa hora.
Por salud y razones de seguridad, favor de quedarse en su carro mientras que nosotros le damos las comidas. Habrá señales indicandoles donde ponerse en fila para recibir la comida.
COVID-19 - UPDATE - Pre-Spring Break Information
Posted on 03/20/2020
Dear Panther Families,
Our district administrators met Friday morning (March 20) to discuss what the coming weeks will look like. We are doing our best to make decisions that will help care for all of our students, teachers, staff members, families, and our community.
We understand the extended school closure will create hardships for many of our families and that you may have several questions. We know you would like answers today, and we would like to give them to you. However, we want to make sure the information we provide is clear and accurate as we consider every possible option.
One of the many issues we discussed included the continuation of AMI work. More information regarding a comprehensive academic plan will be announced Monday, March 30th. Until then, no worries about academic work for now.
We understand not every child has access to Wi-Fi or a device. We are working on a plan to support our families and their at home learning experience. A technology survey is being emailed to families. Please complete the survey as soon as possible.
We are also working on providing daily meals for those who count on our nutrition services, as well as information regarding our health services.
As for any school events and whether they will be canceled or postponed, we do not have any answers at this time. As we have previously noted, this is a fluid situation with frequent changes and we will continue to keep you updated.
In the meantime, Cabot Public Schools is currently on Spring Break. Do not stress about AMI work. Read a book to your child, play a board game, or just spend some quality time together.
Please enjoy this time with your children, tell them we miss them, and reassure them that we will make it through this together.
The safety and well-being of our students are at the heart of our decisions. Thank you for your patience as we chart this new territory.
Click HERE to watch the video message from Supt. Dr. Thurman.
COVID-19 – NEW UPDATE – Cabot Public Schools Will Remain Closed Until April 17th
Posted 3/19/2020
Governor Hutchinson announced at his Thursday, March 19 press conference, that all K-12 schools will remain closed through at least April 17th.
Our administrative team is currently meeting and will be working on instructional plans for the continuation of AMI Days. More information in terms of operations regarding this extended closure will be released Friday, March 20.
Please remember, it is imperative for parents to stay connected to our website,, and our district social media pages (Facebook, Twitter).
COVID-19 - UPDATE - 3/219/2020
Posted 3/19/2020
Dear Panther Families,
We hope everyone has been doing well considering this time of uncertainty. We continue to monitor the latest developments related to COVID-19 and will keep you updated with any necessary information.
First of all, we would like to thank our staff, volunteers, and community for coming together to provide for our Panther families during this situation. Our educators are doing a great job staying connected with our students.
Remember, if you have any questions related to AMI work, feel free to email your teacher as soon as possible since we are heading into Spring Break. You can also email your building administrators if you have any concerns.
Click HERE for a link to our staff directory.
Here is also a link to K-4 AMI assignments that were sent home.
*5th & 6th grade AMI assignments are available through Edulastics.
*7th-12th grade AMI assignments are available through Google Classroom.
Parents, there are many vendors that may be offering free access to educational tools at this time. However, please be wary of those asking for you to submit credit card information to set up accounts. There is the potential that once the "free" access expires, you could be billed if you don't cancel in a certain amount of time, according to their policy.
Since Monday, March 16, we have distributed more than 1,200 meals to our students and families. Thank you to everyone who contributed, especially our Food Services Department.
Remember, Lunchbox Connection will be providing free dinners to our district families during Spring Break, March 23-27, from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. at Renew Community Church. These meals will be Take-Out Only.
Unless otherwise directed by Governor Hutchinson, the Arkansas Department of Health, and the Arkansas Department of Education, students will return to class on Monday, March 30. If the Centers for Disease Control guidance changes, then the governor has stated that plans would be evaluated again. In the event we are unable to return on March 30, the district is working on instructional plans for the continuation of AMI days.
We understand this ever-evolving situation can not only be stressful to you as adults but also for children. The following are resources on how to help talk to your kids about coronavirus and how to help them manage stress and anxiety.
Here is also a list of resources where you can find reliable information regarding COVID-19 and the situation in Arkansas.
World Health Organization -
Arkansas Department of Health -
Finally, please remember, it is imperative that families stay connected with us since information is constantly changing. The latest information will be posted on our website, and on our social media pages (Facebook: Cabot Public School District and Twitter @cabotsd).
We also have a special webpage designated for the latest information.
We will also be utilizing our automated messaging system when necessary. You can also download our free Cabot Public Schools app to stay updated on the latest school information.
Cabot School District Update 3/17/2020
Posted 3/17/2020
The Cabot School District will close at noon today, Tuesday, March 17 through March 29.
Parents/guardians please call you child’s school before 12:00 p.m. today if you have any questions or concerns that can be addressed at the building level.
We will continue with food service at Central Elementary and Ward Central Elementary through Thursday, March 19 from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Lunchbox Connection will be providing free dinners for our district families at Renew Community Church from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. during Spring Break, March 23-27. (TAKE OUT ONLY)
Renew Community Church
1122 S. 2nd St.
Unless otherwise directed by Governor Hutchinson, the Arkansas Department of Health, and the Arkansas Department of Education, students will return to class on Monday, March 30.
Remember, it is imperative that families stay connected with us since information is constantly changing. The latest information will be posted on our website, and on our social media pages (Facebook: Cabot Public School District and Twitter @cabotsd). We will also be utilizing our automated messaging system when necessary.
A copy of this message has been sent to your email.
COVID-19 - UPDATE - School Closure, AMI, Parent/Teacher Conference, & Meal Option Information
Posted on 03/15/2020
Dear Panther Families,
First of all, we want to say thank you for your patience. These last few days have certainly been challenging. We also want to make sure our families are up-to-date with the latest information regarding COVID-19.
During the Governor’s Sunday press conference (3/15), Governor Hutchinson authorized all schools in Arkansas to close for the next two weeks, beginning Monday, March 16.
How does this impact Cabot Public Schools?
Cabot Public Schools will be closed from March 16-20, and through Spring Break, March 23-27. Unless otherwise directed by Governor Hutchinson, Arkansas Department of Health, and the Arkansas Department of Education, students will return to class on Monday, March 30.
What about class assignments?
AMI work/instructions have already been sent home with your student. If you have any AMI questions or concerns, you can call your child’s school Monday, March 16, from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Administrators will be available to answer any questions regarding class assignments.
You may also contact your child’s teacher through email or other means of communication (Remind, Class Dojo, Google Classroom, etc.).
What about parent/teacher conferences?
We will share details regarding parent/teacher conferences at a later date.
What about meal options for our students and families?
We understand that when school is closed, it can provide hardships for some of our students and families. Our Food Services Department has established a plan to provide meals for all students.
To-go sack lunches, along with a snack, and breakfast items for the next day, can be picked up each day March 16 -19 (Monday-Thursday), from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at Central Elementary and Ward Central Elementary. Dine-in services will not be available.
Central Elementary
36 Pond Street
Ward Central Elementary
1570 Wilson Loop Road
During Spring Break, March 23-27, Lunchbox Connection will provide meals at Renew Community Church from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. each night. (TAKE OUT ONLY).
Renew Community Church
1122 S. 2nd St.
What about my appointment regarding student registration?
Student registration appointments have been postponed at this time. If you have any questions about rescheduling, please contact Student Services at 501-843-3363.
Also, School Choice applications will need to be postmarked and mailed to our district before May 1, 2020.
Will any offices be open next week?
UPDATED -- All offices will be closed as of Tuesday, March 17 through March 29.
It is imperative that families stay connected with us since information is constantly changing. The latest information will be posted on our website, and on our social media pages (Facebook: Cabot Public School District and Twitter @cabotsd). We will also be utilizing our automated messaging system.
COVID-19 – UPDATE – Cabot Schools Closed March 16-27
Posted on 3/15/2020
At the authorization of Governor Hutchinson, the Cabot School District will be closed next week, March 16-20, and through Spring Break, March 23-27. At this time, students will return Monday, March 30.
More information regarding the closure will be released soon as details are finalized.
It is imperative for parents to stay connected to our website,, and our district social media pages (Facebook, Twitter).
Again, the district will be closed March 16-27.
COVID-19 – UPDATE - Friday, March 13th
Posted on 3/13/2020
Here are new guidelines, questions and answers, as we prepare for the upcoming week.
As of Friday afternoon, March 13th, we have not received an order by the Governor to close school next week.
Please remember, the decision to close districts related to COVID-19 is being made solely by the Arkansas Department of Health and the Arkansas Department of Education.
At this time, we do not have the local power to close school without a directive from the state. Governor Hutchinson proclaimed the Secretary of Health and the Secretary of Education have the sole authority to close public school campuses in regard to coronavirus.
We remain in contact with the state regarding this situation and next steps. In the meantime, the district is implementing several new changes next week out of an abundance of caution for our students and staff. We appreciate the support and patience of our parents.
Questions & Answers
What about attendance next week?
While school is scheduled to be in regular session next week, we understand that we may have some parents/guardians and students with extenuating health circumstances. Please contact your building administrator on Monday to share your concerns. We will work to accommodate our families, but we will continue with school unless directed otherwise.
Why am I receiving AMI work?
In the event there is a school closure, we wanted to be proactive. All AMI work/instructions are expected to go home with your student today. Again, just in case of a school closure your student will know what is expected and everyone will be more prepared when we reconvene. If we remain open, then this will just be a preview of the assignments that will be accomplished in the coming days.
If you have any questions regarding AMI work, feel free to contact your building administrator or student’s teacher.
What about Parent/Teacher conferences?
Parent/Teacher conferences will be handled differently next week. They will still be held Tuesday, March 17 and Thursday, March 19 from 3:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., however, they will be conducted via email/school phone/Skype, etc.
Your school will share more information with you on this soon.
Remember, the district will still dismiss early at 3:00 p.m. on both parent/teacher conference days. There is no school Friday, March 20. Spring Break begins March 23-27.
School Visitors?
While we certainly love our parents visiting their children at school, please understand that outside visitors to our campus will be limited to the office area. Parents may not eat lunch with their children next week. Parents are welcome to check their child out for lunch if they choose to do so. Again, we apologize for this inconvenience but we must remain proactive for the safety of our students and staff.
What about sporting events?
The Arkansas Activities Association has suspended all spring sports and activities starting Sunday, March 15 until Monday, March 30. On Monday, March 30, AAA will reassess the COVID-19 situation and announce further plans. This means all our school baseball, softball, soccer, and track events that fall on these dates have been canceled.
What about cleaning efforts?
Our custodial staff remains vigilant in their sanitation efforts and has been taking extra precautions in thoroughly cleaning all our classrooms, buildings, and buses. They will continue to do so and will be sanitizing our district when students are on Spring Break as well.
What can parents do to talk to their kids about COVID-19?
Many parents may now be wondering how to address this issue with their students in a reassuring way. The American School Counselor Association has provided this kid-friendly video to help children understand the coronavirus.
The following are additional resources to help you discuss this with your child.
Talking with children about Coronavirus Disease 2019: Messages for parents, school staff, and others working with children
National Association of School Psychologists - Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
What else can parents do?
We are encouraging our students, staff, and families to be mindful of key preventive measures. To reduce the risk for getting and spreading viral respiratory infections, including the flu and common cold, these simple steps are encouraged:
• Stay home when sick
• Frequent handwashing with soap and water (20 seconds)
• Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
• Cover mouth when coughing or sneezing, cough into elbow
In addition, please remember that if children are sick, they should not be at school. Students need to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to class after any illness. Keeping children home when they are sick is critical to prevention.
Families may visit the following websites for more information regarding COVID-19 coronavirus.
Arkansas Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control
COVID-19 – UPDATE - Governor’s Press Conference
Posted on 03/12/2020
During the Governor’s press conference, Governor Hutchinson only recommended schools in four certain counties to close. Lonoke County was not one of them.
The Secretary of Health, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, has sole authority to close public school campuses for this declared public health situation.
While we wait on further guidance from the state regarding a closure for our district, we will remain open Friday, March 13th, however, we will be flexible in regards to attendance.
We understand we have concerned parents, students, and staff. Again, we will be flexible with attendance requirements on Friday, March 13th.
We continue to work with state officials and will share additional information as it becomes available.
Posted on 03/11/2020
Dear Panther Families,
The Arkansas Department of Education released its Commissioner's Memo detailing important information from Governor Hutchinson and guidance for schools regarding COVID-19.
Please notice the link takes you to Executive Order EO 20-03. Number 3 on the second page of the EO includes the phrase, “The Secretary of Health, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall have sole authority to close public school campuses throughout the state for reasons related to COVID-19.”
ADE Commissioners Memo 3/11/2020
Governor Hutchinson held a press conference Wednesday (3/11/2020) and released a proclamation that details action to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The proclamation can be accessed HERE. Because Arkansas has been planning a COVID-19 response for months, the state is well-positioned to begin containment efforts. The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) will continue to act as the lead agency to work in concert with other state agencies to respond to the COVID-19 virus.
School and school activities will continue at this time, and the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), in consultation with the Arkansas Department of Health, shall provide guidance to local school districts and institutions of higher education to address concerns related to the virus and take all actions necessary to ensure the continuation of education. The Secretary of Health, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall have sole authority to close public school campuses throughout the state for reasons related to COVID-19. The situation will be monitored closely.
Should extended closures become necessary, the ADE understands the importance of coordination in planning and responding to needs and will provide as much guidance as possible in how closures should be conducted, including the handling of student and staff absences. The ADE is working with federal agencies and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) to identify issues that will need to be addressed if school closures become necessary, such as possible modifications to state testing windows and continuation of meals for students in need.
It is also important to note that The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has extended all approved 2019-2020 Alternate Methods of Instruction (AMI) applications for up to ten days.
Below is a press release from Governor Hutchinson regarding COVID-19.
March 11, 2020
Governor Hutchinson Confirms State’s First Presumptive Positive COVID-19 Case
Signs Executive Order to Provide Increased Support for State Response
LITTLE ROCK – Governor Asa Hutchinson today confirmed the first presumptive positive case of coronavirus, known as COVID-19, in Arkansas.
The case has been tested positive by the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) and sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for confirmation. The individual is currently in isolation in a hospital in Pine Bluff. This is an out-of-state travel-related case, and there is no indication that COVID-19 is spreading in Arkansas communities at this time.
Today, Governor Hutchinson also signed an executive order to declare a public health emergency to facilitate coordination and provide increased support to state agencies that are involved in response to the virus. You can find the executive order, EO 20-03, HERE.
“For months, Arkansas has been well prepared to respond to COVID-19. More than two months ago, the Arkansas Department of Health, under the leadership of Dr. Nathaniel Smith, designated more than 70 of its employees to work exclusively on COVID-19. The team has worked tirelessly to coordinate our state’s response to a potential COVID-19 outbreak. Today, I also asked each of my Cabinet secretaries to prepare a continuity of operation plan in the event of an outbreak of the virus. I have also been in frequent communication with Vice President Mike Pence, the CDC, the Department of Health and Human Services, and numerous other governors for updates and information.
“The State is taking measures to respond to the confirmed case appropriately and swiftly so that information and resources are available for Arkansans. We are taking every measure to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus in Arkansas, but the best way to protect yourself from contracting any virus is by practicing healthy habits, washing your hands frequently and thoroughly, and staying close to home if you are not feeling well.”
Governor’s Media Contact: Press Shop ( or 501.683.3642)
If you have questions or concerns about COVID-19, you can contact the Arkansas Department of Health at 800.803.7847 or visit
COVID-19 Information
Posted on 03/09/2020
Dear Panther Families,
As always, the health, safety, and well-being of our students and staff are top priorities at Cabot Public Schools. The district would like to assure our families that we have been closely monitoring information concerning the coronavirus.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that usually cause mild respiratory illnesses such as the common cold. COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new coronavirus identified in humans this last December 2019.
As with any communicable disease or potential outbreak, we work closely with the Arkansas Department of Health and the U. S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to follow their recommendations to ensure we protect our families. The Arkansas Department of Education’s Division of Elementary and Secondary Education is also working in conjunction with the Arkansas Department of Health to monitor and provide guidance as needed.
Cabot Public Schools will continue to follow updates daily provided by ADH and the CDC. We also encourage our students, staff, and families to be mindful of key preventive measures. To reduce the risk for getting and spreading viral respiratory infections, including the flu and common cold, these simple steps are encouraged:
• Stay home when sick
• Frequent handwashing with soap and water (20 seconds)
• Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
• Cover mouth when coughing or sneezing, cough into elbow
In addition, please remember that if children are sick, they should not be at school. Students need to be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to class after any illness. Keeping children home when they are sick is critical to prevention.
Families may visit the following websites for more information regarding COVID-19 coronavirus.
Arkansas Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control