AMI Plans - Alternative Methods of Instruction
The Arkansas Department of Education has granted Cabot Public Schools permission to use alternative methods of instruction (AMI) on days when the district closes school due to exceptional or emergency circumstances. The district may use up to five AMI days this school year, however, in regards to COVID-19, the state has granted extra AMI days due to the state ordered school closure.
When the district uses an AMI day, students will complete activities and assignments at home rather than making up instructional days in the classroom. This reduces the need to add instructional days onto the end of the school year.
Week 8 PBS AMI - May 18-21
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Spanish Versions
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Most of you will find the Arkansas PBS Channel, or what used to be AETN, on channel 2 of your TV. A parent guide will be available online each week that will guide the activities that students participate in after viewing specific programming on PBS.
*Arkansas PBS AMI is also available in the free PBS Video App for Roku and Apple TV. Just enter "Arkansas AMI" in the search section of the PBS Video App to find archived video content for each grade band. New content will be added each day by 10 a.m.
*You can also view PBS AMI on the PBS Engage App on your iPHone or Android. Just download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.
IF YOU MISS A LIVE BROADCAST: If your student is unable to watch the shows that morning, all videos will be archived online by 4:00 p.m. the afternoon of their airing. Recording from previous days are available as well. Once the videos are posted, they will be available at the links below.
VIDEO - Grades Pre-K-2
VIDEO - Grades 3-5
VIDEO - Grades 6-8
*Frequently asked questions about Arkansas AMI. Click HERE.
*Printed Pre-K-6 AMI packets are also available for pick up at the front entrance of our Meal Distribution locations and all elementary and middle schools. If you are in need of a specific AMI packet or assignment please email your teacher for information.
*7-11 Grades will continue to work on long-term portfolios through Google Classroom or the method your child’s teacher is currently using.
Week 7 PBS AMI - May 11-15
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Spanish Versions
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Most of you will find the Arkansas PBS Channel, or what used to be AETN, on channel 2 of your TV. A parent guide will be available online each week that will guide the activities that students participate in after viewing specific programming on PBS.
*Arkansas PBS AMI is also available in the free PBS Video App for Roku and Apple TV. Just enter "Arkansas AMI" in the search section of the PBS Video App to find archived video content for each grade band. New content will be added each day by 10 a.m.
*You can also view PBS AMI on the PBS Engage App on your iPHone or Android. Just download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.
IF YOU MISS A LIVE BROADCAST: If your student is unable to watch the shows that morning, all videos will be archived online by 4:00 p.m. the afternoon of their airing. Recording from previous days are available as well. Once the videos are posted, they will be available at the links below.
VIDEO - Grades Pre-K-2
VIDEO - Grades 3-5
VIDEO - Grades 6-8
*Frequently asked questions about Arkansas AMI. Click HERE.
*Printed Pre-K-6 AMI packets are also available for pick up at the front entrance of our Meal Distribution locations and all elementary and middle schools. If you are in need of a specific AMI packet or assignment please email your teacher for information.
*7-11 Grades will continue to work on long-term portfolios through Google Classroom or the method your child’s teacher is currently using.
Seniors still working on coursework should remain in close contact with their teachers.
Week 6 PBS AMI - May 4-May 8
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Spanish Versions
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Most of you will find the Arkansas PBS Channel, or what used to be AETN, on channel 2 of your TV. A parent guide will be available online each week that will guide the activities that students participate in after viewing specific programming on PBS.
*Arkansas PBS AMI is also available in the free PBS Video App for Roku and Apple TV. Just enter "Arkansas AMI" in the search section of the PBS Video App to find archived video content for each grade band. New content will be added each day by 10 a.m.
*You can also view PBS AMI on the PBS Engage App on your iPHone or Android. Just download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.
IF YOU MISS A LIVE BROADCAST: If your student is unable to watch the shows that morning, all videos will be archived online by 4:00 p.m. the afternoon of their airing. Recording from previous days are available as well. Once the videos are posted, they will be available at the links below.
VIDEO - Grades Pre-K-2
VIDEO - Grades 3-5
VIDEO - Grades 6-8
*Frequently asked questions about Arkansas AMI. Click HERE.
*Printed Pre-K-6 AMI packets are also available for pick up at the front entrance of our Meal Distribution locations and all elementary and middle schools. If you are in need of a specific AMI packet or assignment please email your teacher for information.
*7-11 Grades will continue to work on long-term portfolios through Google Classroom or the method your child’s teacher is currently using.
Seniors still working on coursework should remain in close contact with their teachers.
Week 5 PBS AMI - April 27-May 1
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Spanish Versions
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Most of you will find the Arkansas PBS Channel, or what used to be AETN, on channel 2 of your TV. A parent guide will be available online each week that will guide the activities that students participate in after viewing specific programming on PBS.
*Arkansas PBS AMI is also available in the free PBS Video App for Roku and Apple TV. Just enter "Arkansas AMI" in the search section of the PBS Video App to find archived video content for each grade band. New content will be added each day by 10 a.m.
*You can also view PBS AMI on the PBS Engage App on your iPHone or Android. Just download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.
IF YOU MISS A LIVE BROADCAST: If your student is unable to watch the shows that morning, all videos will be archived online by 4:00 p.m. the afternoon of their airing. Recording from previous days are available as well. Once the videos are posted, they will be available at the links below.
VIDEO - Grades Pre-K-2
VIDEO - Grades 3-5
VIDEO - Grades 6-8
*Frequently asked questions about Arkansas AMI. Click HERE.
*Printed Pre-K-6 AMI packets are also available for pick up at the front entrance of our Meal Distribution locations and all elementary and middle schools. If you are in need of a specific AMI packet or assignment please email your teacher for information.
*7-11 Grades will continue to work on long-term portfolios through Google Classroom or the method your child’s teacher is currently using.
Seniors still working on coursework should remain in close contact with their teachers. My message to our seniors that are not on track to are too close to give up now. Stay in contact with your teachers and continue to work hard!
Week 4 PBS AMI - April 20-24
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Spanish Versions
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Most of you will find the Arkansas PBS Channel, or what used to be AETN, on channel 2 of your TV. A parent guide will be available online each week that will guide the activities that students participate in after viewing specific programming on PBS.
*Arkansas PBS AMI is also available in the free PBS Video App for Roku and Apple TV. Just enter "Arkansas AMI" in the search section of the PBS Video App to find archived video content for each grade band. New content will be added each day by 10 a.m.
*You can also view PBS AMI on the PBS Engage App on your iPHone or Android. Just download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.
IF YOU MISS A LIVE BROADCAST: If your student is unable to watch the shows that morning, all videos will be archived online by 4:00 p.m. the afternoon of their airing. Recording from previous days are available as well. Once the videos are posted, they will be available at the links below.
VIDEO - Grades Pre-K-2
VIDEO - Grades 3-5
VIDEO - Grades 6-8
*Frequently asked questions about Arkansas AMI. Click HERE.
*Printed Pre-K-6 AMI packets are also available for pick up at the front entrance of our Meal Distribution locations and all elementary and middle schools. If you are in need of a specific AMI packet or assignment please email your teacher for information.
Week 3 PBS AMI - April 13-17
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Spanish Versions
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Most of you will find the Arkansas PBS Channel, or what used to be AETN, on channel 2 of your TV. A parent guide will be available online each week that will guide the activities that students participate in after viewing specific programming on PBS.
*Arkansas PBS AMI is also available in the free PBS Video App for Roku and Apple TV. Just enter "Arkansas AMI" in the search section of the PBS Video App to find archived video content for each grade band. New content will be added each day by 10 a.m.
*You can also view PBS AMI on the PBS Engage App on your iPHone or Android. Just download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.
IF YOU MISS A LIVE BROADCAST: If your student is unable to watch the shows that morning, all videos will be archived online by 4:00 p.m. the afternoon of their airing. Recording from previous days are available as well. Once the videos are posted, they will be available at the links below.
VIDEO - Grades Pre-K-2
VIDEO - Grades 3-5
VIDEO - Grades 6-8
*Frequently asked questions about Arkansas AMI. Click HERE.
*Printed Pre-K-6 AMI packets are also available for pick up at the front entrance of our Meal Distribution locations. If you are in need of a specific AMI packet or assignment please email your teacher for information.
Week 2 PBS AMI - April 6-10
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI - A Ton of Trash
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
Spanish Versions
Grades Pre-K-2 AMI
Grades 3-5 AMI - A Ton of Trash ReadWorks
Grades 6-8 AMI - Only 6th grade students will complete these assignments
IF YOU MISS A LIVE BROADCAST: If your student is unable to watch the shows that morning, all videos will be archived online by 4:00 p.m. the afternoon of their airing. Recording from previous days are available as well. Once the videos are posted, they will be available at the links below.
VIDEO - Grades Pre-K-2
VIDEO - Grades 3-5
VIDEO - Grades 6-8
Additionally, we will have materials available for pickup, by Friday of the preceding week, at our meal locations. If you are unable to come to those locations or do not have digital access, please let your teacher or building principal know and we’ll work to get the needed materials to you. AMI packets are also available in bins in front of many of our schools. Again, connect with your teacher or building administrator and they will be happy to help.
We encourage all families to check their Remind, Class Dojo, email, or any other resource they use to connect with teachers as established, for ongoing communication. Please share all concerns or questions with your student’s teachers. During the week, questions should be answered within 24 hours.
*Frequently asked questions about Arkansas AMI. Click HERE.
Beginning Monday, April 6, all 7th-11th grade classes will provide long-term portfolios for students to complete. These will be provided digitally via Google Classroom or whatever method your students’ teacher, currently uses. Each campus will work with their subject areas and teachers to make sure that all students have received their needed information and directions. We realize that not all families have adequate digital devices and internet access, and if accessing materials is an issue for you, please let your teacher know. We can come up with a plan to ensure you get the needed materials. Our Technology Department has also been issuing students in need of an internet-ready device with Chromebooks. For more information click HERE.
Seniors still working on coursework should be in direct contact with their teachers.
Here is AMI work for Kindergarten-4th grade for the week of March 30-April 3.
Kindergarten AMI #6
Kindergarten AMI #7
Kindergarten AMI #8
Kindergarten AMI #9
Kindergarten AMI #10
First Grade AMI #6
First Grade AMI #7
First Grade AMI #8
First Grade AMI #9
First Grade AMI #10
Second Grade AMI #6
Second Grade AMI #7
Second Grade AMI #8
Second Grade AMI #9
Second Grade AMI #10
Third Grade AMI #6
Third Grade AMI #7
Third Grade AMI #8
Third Grade AMI #9
Third Grade AMI #10
Fourth Grade AMI #6
Fourth Grade AMI #7
Fourth Grade AMI #8
Fourth Grade AMI #9
Fourth Grade AMI #10
*AMI assignments for 5-12 will be posted by teachers in Edulastics and Google Classroom
If you have any questions about AMI assignments, contact your child's teacher.
MARCH 16-19
Here is AMI work for Kindergarten-4th grade for the week of March 16-19. This assignments have already been sent home with your child, however, if you did not receive it, you can download them to print out.
Kindergarten AMI #3
Kindergarten AMI #4
Kindergarten AMI #5
First Grade AMI #3
First Grade AMI #4
First Grade AMI #5
Second Grade AMI #3
Second Grade AMI #4
Second Grade AMI #5
Third Grade AMI #3
Third Grade AMI #4
Third Grade AMI #5
Fourth Grade AMI #3
Fourth Grade AMI #4
Fourth Grade AMI #5
*Remember, assignments #1 & #2 were distributed for AMI days Feb. 6 & 7
*5th & 6th grade AMI assignments have been sent through Edulastics.
*7th-12th grade AMI assignments have been sent through Google Classroom.
If you have any questions about AMI assignments, contact your child's teacher.